\nTypography Colors
\nBasic Text Settings
\nBasic text
\nBasic light text
\nBasic medium text
\nBasic bold text
\nBasic Uppercase Text
\nBasic Lowercase Text
\nBasic Capitalized Text
\nBasic Cursive Text
\nText Size
\nHeading Typography SM Font Size
\nHeading Typography Regular Font Size
\nHeading Typography MD Font Size
\nHeading Typography XL Font Size
\nHeading Typography XXL Font Size
\nEmployee List
\nMaterial-UI Table
\nLayout Options
\nThere are few position options available for notifications. You can click any of them to change notifications position:
\nNotifications Types
\nDifferent types of notifications for lost of use cases. Custom classes are also supported.
\nNotifications are created with the help of vue-toastification
\n// register the plugin on vue\nimport Toast from \"vue-toastification\";\nimport \"vue-toastification/dist/index.css\";\n\nVue.use(Toast)\n\n// you can call like this in your component\nthis.$toast.show(\"I'm a toast!\", {options})\n
For more API information refer to the library documentation
\nNotification Types Examples
\nNotification Types Examples
\nNotification Types Examples
\nNKL Portal